Kalma and Istikhara Prayers in English. Removing Black Magic & Jinn.

I come across a lot of reverts to Islam who are SubhanAllah guided the right path by Allah. I came to know how hard it is to learn Arabic. Here is a video specially for our revert brothers and sisters to learn the first 2 and most important Kalma (Kalma Tayyaba & Kalma Shahadat) in Arabic using English.

Kalma Tayyaba & Shahadat in English


kalma 1

kalma 2



Istikhara is an important procedure done to seek guidance directly from Allah. The prayer itself is a beautiful request asking Allah to help us decide what is best for our future and life hereafter.It is one of the Miracles of Islam proving proves Islam is the only TRUE RELIGION as you can get revelations of the future through istikhara. Istikhara can be done for any matter of life whether it’s travel, marriage, work, decisions for anything important. 

Great Holy Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) used to teach his companions about it the same way he used to teach them the verses of the Holy Quran. Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) strongly encourage Muslims to practice Istikhara for all their affairs.

One can perform Istikhara up to 7 times, if unsatisfied. However any sign negative or positive should be immediately accepted and one must avoid the matter after the negative sign, as it won’t benefit the individual in future.

Istakhara CANNOT be done for anyone else as Istikhara prayer clearly asks about the consequences of a decision one’s own life. We cannot add names of anyone else to find impact of a decision in their life.

Istakhara dream prediction if unclear should be only discussed with people having Islamic knowledge. It is best to keep a notepad next to bed so you can note down important signs in the the dream. These can be colors, objects or situations. Many people tend to sleep again hence this will help them to recall the first dream they had after the Istakhara prayer.

Repeated blank dreams are considered NOT a very positive sign and it is better to analyse the situation thoroughly. If you are persistent then you can try again for the matter at some other time in life. Without the dream, istikhara dua remains just a prayer not a procedure to get sign from Allah. Upon waking up, one can also feel positive or negative about the matter which is also another hint in making the decision.

http://www.myislamicdream.com/  is a helpful website for finding meaning of the signs in the dream.

Allah knows what is best for us. There are many times when things/decisions that seem perfect, end up bearing disastrous impact in future. Most people are able to see the future impact of the decision through Istikhara while rest are saved from making bad decision.



* Pray 2 Raakat NAFAL after Isha prayer.

* Then pray Darood Shareef followed by Istikhara dua.

*Instead of saying Haazul Amra in the dua, mention the name of the matter for which you seek guidance from Allah.

* After the prayer, one must not indulge in any worldly matters or conversations. It is best to do this before going to sleep. Keep your mind clear and have strong faith that Allah will guide you to the right path. 

May Allah guide us all. Ameen

Audio of Istikhara Dua – Arabic & English

dua istikhara





Daily Compulsory & Additional Prayers 


how to pray tasbeeh namazPrayer-of-ForgivenessPrayers nafal


Black magic is a reality. Our dear Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam despite reciting Quran daily, became a victim of black magic and it is then special prayers were included in Quran to cure black magic. A shocking miracle is when you will recite or play these dua/prayers/verses from Quran in front of the person effected, he/she will get a headache and will try to stop it. This will prove he/she is under magic of the devil and with time the same effected person will find peace and safety in these prayers.

I personally believe that it is basically your evil intention that will initiate the process. Magic happens with Allah’s permission as it is the test of the faithful one who will suffer and the beginning of someone’s journey in hell. If anyone is weak in his faith and wishes to follow satan, Allah will make things easier for him. This is why you will see the most evil people living perfect lives without any punishments for their deeds while the ones with strong faith will live with constant tests just like our Great Prophets. Muslims all around the world are brutally murdered just because they are Muslims. Burma is an example in 2017 when 30,000 Muslims including innocent babies were brutally murdered just for being born as Muslims. These martyrs will enter Jennah without any difficulty and will be spared trials of the grave while the evil cruel devils will burn in their grave and hereafter InshaAllah.


Black magic is usually done with a belonging of the person like his hair, clothes or something dear to him. Jinns are also assigned to get a personal belonging of the victim. Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam)’s hair were wrapped around a doll that started the black magic and Dear Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) suffered for weeks with illness and pain until the four Quls were introduced in Quran as protection against evil magic. Hence illness and strange headaches are symptoms of black magic as the effected person will have no signs of illness in medical tests.

Depression is a big symptom. Satan always tries to rise fears in our heart, fears about the future, disappointments of the past and even with a perfectly happy life, the effected person will start to isolate himself and stay in the house eating or sleeping for months and years. Such people either become skeletons or obese. Television, movies and music are food for devil and as soon as the good strong faith will start moving from Islam, he will find himself spending his life wasting time with music and entertainment. I had a shocking dream about this where Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) warned me about this dreadful habit that we never think of as one of the heavy sin leading us to hell. Here is the link to this dream that is verified by the “Last sermon of Great Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam)”.

Dream seeing Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam and with a warning about music/movies

The male residents in the house before us had become heavily involved in illegitimate relationships and masturbation. After leaving the house, it was like evil left them and they were immediately able to get married. Jinn and black magic tries to get the effected person isolated from others and the personality of the person will change dramatically. I have seen this myself a cheerful full of life person becoming aggressive and bitter. Husband and wife are main targets of usual black magic. It creates one partner to unnecessary hate the other one. This is because the evil doer of magic will make the effected person see what they want and usually such people report that they would see their partner as ugly and unbearable. Some people will lost faith in Allah completely and sleep at times of prayers. These people will even stop praying for help from Allah. The more they will move away from Islam, the stronger the magician will become in possessing them.

Excessive is a sign. The person will be involved in any meaningless activity excessively whether its watching entertainment shows, eating, dating etc. He will also run away from recitation of Quran as that burns the magic and jinn.

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A second phenomenon is the “Black Shadow” explained in Quran as “Jinn”. Every detail about Jinns explained in Quran is now accepted by non-Muslims as reality caught on camera. The word Jinn (Djinn) is an Arabic word meaning “to hide” or “hidden”. Quran explains these creatures were present centuries before humans and that is why they feel their right to own every place on Earth. For them, humans invaded their homes to built their own. They are just like us, good and bad. They are made from fire and we can see them as black shadows or mist flying around everywhere. They also have families and are present everywhere in crowd and in isolation but they have the power to show themselves to whoever they want. Quran describes they can keep themselves invisible and walk through walls. 

Jinns also have various religions. The true miracle of Islam can be observed by anyone as upon encounter with any Jinn, as soon as you will read this, the Jinn will disappear or become powerless. 

“Auzu Billahe Himin Ash Shaitaan Nir Rajeem”

I have lived in 2 houses that had evil Jinns who disturbed us daily. They would only disappear when we said “Auzu Billahe Himin Ash Shaitaan Nir Rajeem” but this was not a permanent fix. 


There is no particular order of signs showing presence of Jinn in house but you will constantly observe some of the following things:

You will have frequent nightmares about strange black animals attacking you or Jinns might reveal themselves. Sometimes I felt unbearable pressure on my chest that even caused breathing problem, suffocation and choking. Upon waking up, you will see some strange happening in your room. You can see shadow standing in the room or the ceiling full of spider webs. Doors get slammed loudly without any wind or person, door nobs and sometimes doors would shake so badly, as if a very powerful force made from wind was in control of it. We saw shadows that were either black or white. The black shadows appeared in the form of a very tall broad man made from smoke or mist. This shadow was always lurking behind doors, walls or standing by the bed. As soon as we would open our eyes, they would stay for 20-30 seconds and then disappear in the wall or ceiling. They didn’t walk but float in the air with great speed. I never saw their arms or legs. They seemed like wearing a long cloak of smoke. Allah mentioned in Quran that He made these creatures from fire and that would explain the smoke. Many times I would hear strange noise of someone walking and sometimes screams that would wake me up and everytime I woke up, seconds later my neighbours dogs would go crazy and barked as if they saw an intruder. Once I saw a shadow move across the room and then upstairs, I was feeling brave at that time probably because it was 11 a.m. I run behind the shadow and saw my birds going aggressively mental in the cage. They were hitting themselves against the cage wiring and hurt themselves. Imagine the horror they must have seen…


Jinn spider webs

Things regardless of their weight, would fall on the floor without explanation. This happened a lot in kitchen specially. Other times things would move or chandeliers would rock to and fro. Lights/fans etc get turned on around 2:30-3:30 am. 2:30-3:30 a.m is definitely their favourite time and I have always observed noise or appearances around this time. Many objects would disappear and then reappear in the same spot after weeks. The worst time is when we felt someone lie next to us on bed. You can hear and feel clearly of a person sitting and strangely breathing next to us. This was felt by every person who stayed at one of the these houses. I use to freak out waking up and seeing a 8 feet tall in the room facing me. It would stand for seconds and then realize that my eyes are open and within a second, it would vanish in the wall or ceiling. I also felt these jinns touching me that completely freaked me out. It was like a very strong wind. They would mostly touch my toes as if they were holding them. A few times, I felt someone touching my hair and back. Many times this would happen in the washroom. 



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Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) said “Shaitaan cannot take my form in dreams”. I once had a dream that scared the life out of me and I forced myself to get out of the dream. I see myself in some tunnels with water. It might be sewerage water. There is darkness, too many spider webs and the floor is filled with liquid. I then see 4 shadows of men moving around. I am not scared of them and quietly watch them. They are very comfortable in that surrounding and its their home. Then one of them comes forward and say “Muhammad is referred to light in Quran”. I get stunned why isnt he taking the full name and saying Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) as that is what I heard in all my dreams. I notice this shadow cannot say (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) and I realize its fear of being caught for this inability. Then he comes further closer to claim himself as some important  holy figure. I realize this is a dream and I need to get out. I start forcing myself to wake up. This alerts the other 3 shadows and they all start coming close to me to convince their next claims. When I woke up, I was full of sweat, dehydrated and saying Astagfarullah. I know light is only referred to Allah in Quran.

Jinn and shaitaan will try to mislead people in dreams too. Their method is to whisper misleading or evil things and make you believe they are correct. If you see Prophets in the form different from described in history then that means its shaitaan misleading you. Once a man said he saw Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) but He was dressed in a suit and without beard. He was told that cannot be Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) as it failed His description according to Hadaith. This man was not asked what name he heard in the dream because after this dream, I was able to understand Jinn will only take the name Muhammad which can be anyone named Muhammad. He is unable to say Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam). 

There is another form of shaitaan where he will appear as a holy person or angel and inform that the person has been seleceted for heaven and he does not need to pray any longer. It is our duty to pray 5 times but prayers have been made easy to perform if one is sick, too old to stand or has any other medical issues. You can pray by lying down even, hence prayers will be our duty till our last breath. May Allah save us all from this disgusting shaitaan and its followers. May Allah burn them in hell forever and soon. Ameen.


The nightmares I had were something I had never heard or known. Once I saw a woman in my dream who is wandering in our garden. I go to her and her eyes are hideously big and can’t blink. She stares and has this disgusting evil grin on her face. She tells me that she will never leave us until we die. I then realize that she is a jinn so I start reciting “Auzu Billahe Himin Ash Shaitaan Nir Rajeem”, “Auzu Billahe Himin Ash Shaitaan Nir Rajeem”, “Auzu Billahe Himin Ash Shaitaan Nir Rajeem”. Then I hear her saying the same which makes me doubt her identity but I listen carefully and realize she is just copying the tone of how the prayer is said but can’t say the words correctly. I woke up in sweat and prayed this won’t be true and one day, we can move to safer place. These jinns had broken framed verses of Quran or throw prayer matts or tasbeeh across the room which proved they were not Muslim.

The second dream I had was around a time when a lot of things in our house would break or vanish. However this nightmare was out of blue as I had other more important things on my mind. I saw in my dream that there are 2 female Jinns in my house. I had always seen a dark skinny woman in my dreams for years who believes she is a part of our family. This was the first time, I saw two. Then I see a 7-8 years boy sitting on a sofa and has the same disgusting evil grin with eyes made from glass that can’t blink. I realize that the women have brought him in the house and he is the one who drops things around my house or hides them as thats his way of playing with us. I am so annoyed with this boy and I start yelling at him to leave my house forever. He is getting angry but won’t say anything. He is strong and knows we can’t make him leave. I am panicking that I can’t do anything to get rid of these satans nor am I able to buy a new house immediately and leave this damn place.  

There have been other nightmares where I saw myself getting attacked by strange creatures in black. They seemed hybrid forms of insects, snakes and dogs. I always saw my mother killing them and in my house, my mother has been the most religious one who never missed her prayer and recited Quran daily. In some other nightmares, I see that I am facing atleast 40 jinns in each room. I am vicious and brutal that I start ripping them apart one by one but I know I can’t win as there are hundreds of them. Almost every time I slept in these two houses, I would wake up with a migraine, out of breath and sweat even in 3C without heating.

We tolerated shocking incidents everyday in both houses. It was like we were trapped in them. These jinns are more powerful in the absence of men in the house and usually disturb people with strong faith. The family before us in one of the properties, sold the house at half the market price as they had been fighting these jinns for 40 years! We were able to sale one of the property but the new owners also left it within months. They would spot the shadows and no matter how many lights were installed in the house, the house always appeared in darkness. 

Quran mentioned description of Jinns 1400 years ago that is now being discovered by people with cameras footage etc. Quran is the ONLY book that mentioned Jinn first. Jinn is mentioned 28 times in Quran and is the earliest revelation of this creation. Islam is no doubt the only true religion and Quran is a book of exceptional knowledge that has never been altered unlike holy books of other religions. Jinn have the ability to take different forms or stay invisible. The evil ones feed on fear and can also help humans in performing black magic. Hurting anyone physically or mentally is strictly forbidden in Islam, hence the evil Jinns are as bad as a regular serial killer. I started my research and it took me years to finally compile a combination that finally worked. Unfortunately you can’t kill every Jinn but you can get rid of them. In a house that was possessed by Jinns for 50 years, this was no less of a miracle that we were able to get rid of these extremely powerful and stubborn jinns.

Here is the link to download these audio files. Its best to recite them but if you are a lazy person like me then atleast you can play them loudly on any phone, mp3 player, computer or audio player. I pray it will help you InshaAllah like it helped me.

Audio of verses of Quran to remove Black Magic and Jinn

The 1st time I played these verses of Quran, a wall in the room began to produce loud noise as if someone was inside the wall hitting it repeatedly. The noise got louder and louder and we were quiet scared if the Jinns would break the wall. After 10 mins, the banging noise stopped and that was the first time, I didn’t feel any presence in the house. One of our family member who had become a completely different person also started screaming to turn off the audio as it was giving only this person severe headache. We made a habit of playing the Quran verses on a loop and finally found peace. According to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) Surah Baqrah will protect us for 2 days and I believe this as whenever I dare miss playing the Surah on speaker for 3-4 days, its back to haunted house party. I can bet you this will help. Download this and see the difference on the first go. Don’t be alarmed when you hear noise or screams in the effected place or person as this just means the healing has started its process and you should not stop the recitation regardless of the situation.

The first 4 duas are the most important and effective one. 2 of the duas should be played until you feel the issue is completely solved, after that they are optional.

1. Quran help for magic
2. Surah Baqrah
3. 4 Qul
4. Azaan

5. Dua to remove magic (optional)
6. Ruqyah for the cure of black magic.

This is the first time I read the following in Quran which is EXACTLY word by word what I have seen and observed. SubhanAllah Islam is the only true religion!!!

Jinn was said to be created from a substance that was as blazing as fire, but subtle as wind.

“And the jinn We created before from scorching fire”. [Quran 15:27]

And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire” [Quran 55:15]



Now after getting rid of the black shadows, I can’t get rid of the white orbits flying around at places where there is no possibility of any reflection. I observed that the black shadow and orbs never appeared together. I will look at an Orb for a good 20-30 seconds until it vanishes in the wall. These are such scary moments that I can’t collect myself to get a selfie with them or make a video. On a couple of occasions, I have seen 2 orbs playing together either going round and round in the room or chasing each other on a wall. I feel these are either angels or the good Jinns. They never hurt us but do show off every now and then. God knows why. I have noticed that these things increase in size when they float in the sky. 

My mother like I mentioned earlier, is a very religious woman who devoted her whole life to family and Islam. She prays 8 times a day and her first prayer starts with Tahajud. Around Tahajud and Fajr time, I have seen white glowing creatures following her around and she is never aware of their presence. However I have seen these so many time and for such long duration that I do believe their existence. These things are like floating white sheet or smoke in the air. They are glowing brightly and enjoy following my mother around. I was 13 the first time I saw this thing. I was stunned and just pointed at the thing behind my mother. When I mother looked back, the flowers that were next to this glowing cloth were moving rapidly as if someone bumped into them. Once I woke up and saw an 8 feet tall glowing bird like creature standing in front of my mother while she was reading Quran. The head of this creature was down as if it was concentrating on Quran too. It had wings upto its foot and seemed to be made of electric blue and the bottom feet area were like rays of sun. As soon as it spotted me staring, it flew outside through a 3 inches hole in the window. Praying Auzu Billah makes no difference to them and they leave only with their own will.

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This is similar to the glow of orbits and the taller creatures. Their feathers however always seem to be facing downwards and close to their feet.


These strange creatures have saved my life twice. I was 13 years old when we lived in a huge 25 feet tall house. The house was huge and one of my favourites, despite the jinns etc. It was around 13000 square feet and the roof was huge. It was 7 a.m and I was getting ready to go to School. My mother told to get a bedsheet that she had spread on the roof for drying. I ran, gathered the bedsheet in my small arms and hurried back downstairs. In the rush, my foot caught strangles in the bedsheet and I slipped face first from a height of 25 feet. I could see the marble flooring where I would be landing face first. In my heart, I recited Kalma and nothing else crossed my mind to save myself. It happened in under 5 seconds. When I was tilted to a 35 degree angle, I realized that I was being held by a very powerful gust of wind. It slowly pulled me back until I was on my feet again. I looked back, still hoping there was some human but the whole roof had no sight of anyone. Freaked out, I ran back downstairs except this time I folded the bedsheet.

My mother despite witnessing Jinn since her childhood, would always deny seeing them as she thought we will be scared or other people will think we are mad or possessed. I told her everything and my freaked out state was a proof. My mother however paid no attention and carried on with her work. I knew what happened was not a dream. I went to see my back in the mirror and lo and behold, my sweater was still in the shape as if it was pulled by a great force. I then showed my mother as such force was not possible by a child. Finally my mother was also stunned. The sweater permanently lost its shape and had a lump in the back because the wool had been stretched out. I don’t know if it was an angel or a Jinn but I am grateful to it for saving my life. Same thing happened when I was 14. I was running and slipped from the stairs. This happened so quickly that I couldn’t even say kalma. All I could see was my face heading corner of the marble stairs. Again someone with strong grip made from air, grabbed me and pulled me back. I was so relieved and thought it was my evil aunt being good for a change. I looked back saying thank you and no one was there!

I find it amazing how many Muslims deny existence of Jinn while it is clearly explained in Quran. Do these imbeciles think they know better than Allah or they feel they have more knowledge than the magnificent power of Allah? It must be a nice feeling to have never seen Jinns and live in a happy delusional bubble. Jinns are everywhere, they just chose to show themselves to the ones they want. The bad jinns always attack the ones with strong faith and you will always hear the most pious people complaining about disturbance from jinn and paranormal activities.

This link provides details of Jinn, their types and characteristics. CLICK. I was amazed to read about the shadow Jinn as that’s exactly what I have seen.


Dua before entering washroom

Print this dua and paste it outside the entrance of washroom. Jinns live in washrooms. This is why in old times and few villages today keep washroom outside the house as it is the home of the devil. If you notice since we were young, we always enjoyed looking at ourselves in the mirror in the washroom and felt we looked best in this mirror. There is a reason behind it which is Jinn casts a spell as he/she enjoys looking at us and control our thoughts. This is an easy prayer and you will learn it soon.


Want to read something with far more value than the useless television and movies? Shocking dreams that are like beautiful stories of Quran verses that cannot be imagined by the most acclaimed writer except Allah who has intelligence beyond our imagination. Click the following links and get amazed!!!

Holy prophet Muhammad S.A.W
Dream seeing Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in Kaabah
Book Stand for Quran
Dream seeing Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam and with a warning about music/movies
Dream seeing Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) in sorrow
Dream – Prophet Yusuf Alaihe Salaam
Cave Hira
Dream of Holy Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in Cave of Hira (غار حراء Ġār-e-Ḥirā)
Dream seeing Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihe Salaam)
Dream – Abu Bakr (R.A) with Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasalam) in Cave of Thawr
New born Baby
Dream seeing Prophet Yaqub (Alaihe Salaam) and Prophet Yusuf (Alaihe Salaam) together

Kalma and Kaabahimg_1374233510_357img_1374233510_357

Islam Miracles

Real Future


Darood Shareef



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